
November 23, 2009

My first experimental pie: raspberry, blackberry and green tomato.

I must say it was fantastic!

The green tomato (we have lots in the basement ripening) added a subtle taste and wonderful texture.

I have a new obsession of becoming The Pie Queen or Shortcake Queen.  Selling a happiness combo of fresh fruit/butter/whip cream at farmer’s markets and art fairs dressed up in  a tiara and prom dress.  Career idea of the month.

Front yard gardening

June 24, 2009

Just a few scattered seeds and not that much care yields a lot of high quality food!

Michelle Obama’s White House garden has already produced over 90 lbs of produce.

As I walk around my neighborhood I’m excited about how many front yard gardens there are.  We’re going on a chicken coop tour of Salt Lake City on Saturday so I’m sure I’ll be seeing some inspirational gardens (fueled by chicken poop!).  Also in anticipation of my new compost bin in the shape of a large ball that can roll around the yard.


June 5, 2009


I have some visitors in my garden at night munching on my green bean plants.

I keep forgetting to don my headlamp, search and destroy.

Instead I planted these lovely marigolds which are believed to give those dudes the stink eye (stink folliage?).